Johann Zipperer

Johann Zipperer

- degrees: electrical engineering & computer science
- holding more than 40 patents under his name
- former TI-SMTS (senior member of technical staff)
- former TI's TMS320 DSP workshop teacher
- TI's MSP430 module definer
Specials skills on MSP430 modules:
- LEA(430's internal DSP)
- USS-HW (SAPH, HSPLL, SDHS, UUPS) flow meter module group
- USB-HW - A-Pool (0.9V 430's analog pool module)
- general TI's MSP430 topics
Application Skills:
- DSP/Signal processing of vectors, streams and applied math
- Flow dynamics of enclosed liquids and gases inc. simulation
- Mechanical construction/prototyping for shows and other events
e.g as 3D-Prints (FFF/SLA) and/or machined parts
Presentation skills:
- Free, interactive speaker in English/German on all the above topic

Contact via email