
Below listed the MSP Veterans PALs, our content contributors and/or authors; click 'Read more' to get to email contact form

Johann Zipperer

  • Johann Zipperer

    - degrees: electrical engineering & computer science
    - holding more than 40 patents under his name
    - former TI-SMTS (senior member of technical staff)
    - former TI's TMS320 DSP workshop teacher
    - TI's MSP430 module definer
    Specials skills on MSP430 modules:
    - LEA(430's internal DSP)
    - USS-HW (SAPH, HSPLL, SDHS, UUPS) flow meter module group
    - USB-HW - A-Pool (0.9V 430's analog pool module)
    - general TI's MSP430 topics
    Application Skills:


  • Kostas Aslanidis

    - degrees: electrical engineering
    - TI's MSP430 applications engineer
    Specials skills on MSP430 modules:
    - Captivate
    - USS-HW
    - USB-SW
    - general TI's MSP430 topics
    Application Skills:
    - Captivate design migration, high analog skills


  • Sandman

    - degrees: pedagogy, psychology,
    - former TV-Star in east German TV
    Specials skills on MSP430 modules:
    - anti-watchdog timeless
    - general TI's MSP430 topics
    Application Skills:
    - puts kids to sleep within a blink
    - parents, be careful
    Presentation skills:
    - Free, interactive speaker in Thuringian/Saxonian/Sorban on above topics